
New Digs

I moved today. Two years over at La Casita De La Risitas came to a close. Lots of memories there. I still love my girls lots and still anticipate hang out time. —That is, when I'm not hanging out with my new neighbor. (Who, by the way, is selling her gorgeous prints. You should go buy lots of them. $15 now...will be worth millions someday.) For the next while, my home will be with Rich and Tiffany, their three boys, and Amanda, my new basement-mate.

Speaking of boys, many thanks to Scotty, Jim, Mike, Mattias, Ligin, Ryan, Conrad, and Jordan who helped me move all of my stuff into my new room, which is a bit of a drive from my old house. Most of these guys meet Saturday mornings for Bible study and decided to use their usual time to live what they study and help me instead. I'm so grateful for these men. Got to have delightful conversations over lunch and was reminded of the quality dudes in my life.

When I got to the house, I found this on my dresser:

A roomwarming gift

A roomwarming gift
The note is from 5 year-old Jack, nestled in between a bottle of merlot, espresso chocolates, and a small tea pot! They know me well! :)

I'm pretty exhausted. It's a good change. I'm trying to use it as an excuse to make some lifestyle changes, too. Going on a craft/art/freelance hiatus once I've completed the ones I'm doing right now, so I can spend more time focusing on music, reading, and writing. I also started exercising, with the 100 Push-Up Challenge (along with several other Twitterers) and I'm going to start running on Monday, using the C25K plan. This is all to help get my mind and body in order, so I'll be able to better think about some upcoming decisions.

Moving has also provided me a new opportunity to be more organized. There's a place for pretty much everything. (Andrea and Amy, you girls are going to be SO PROUD of me!) Two things to note:

Hole In One
Saw this in this month's ReadyMade. Turned out to be the perfect length for all my earrings! Now I just need to find something for my necklaces...

Can't help myself
Inspired by this, I color-coordinated my bookshelf. Call me silly, but I tend to remember books by their covers anyway. Once I'm done putting everything away, I might let you take a peek at my entire collection. Maybe I should make my own MoOM...

Here's to good change. I'm off to go watch an episode of John Adams...


Jenna (J and Co) said...

oooh--I love the belt-for-earrings idea. Must try! -Jenna

Stephanie said...

Congrats on the move! Some very nice organizing going on! :)

amy said...

im smiling looking at all that order-- what a beautiful thing-- mmmm.. soothing-- bet you'll sleep better-- everything in its place

iamchanelle said...

WOO HOO! i am so glad you're my neighbor now.
and i love all that organizing going on over there, wow! it's a beautiful thing. ;)

Melissa L. said...

WOW---great earring idea!! Wish I'd seen this earlier--was at Goodwill and Savers yesterday! Let me know when you figure something out for your necklaces. Now that I've decided to stop dressing like a bum, I've discovered that my jewelry is in a very sad state. Have a sip of that merlot for me! :-) And--I'm going to check out that running thing--supposed to be doing a 5k soon--but spent my running shoe money on underwear. *sigh*