
Weekend + 1: A photo essay


Out of Orded
Our attempt to find the fourth Harry Potter film led us from the video store with snarky employees to Wal-Mart, where apparently someone else was having a rather long day as well.

A kitty in the lap makes any long day better.

Guess What We Want To Watch?
The evening was spent collaging and crafting at the table, until John and Nicky came downstairs and asked, "Guess which movie we'd like to see?" We were more than happy to oblige.


The plan: breakfast and a movie. Jessie and I made pancakes.

Pancake fun!
We laughed a lot in the process.

Kitty pancake
...especially with our pancake shapes. (Not pictured: saber-toothed tiger)

Our hard work made Jessie stick her head in the freezer to cool off.

Bonnie set out some yummy foods for her "Favorite Things" party.

She received lovely flowers, too.

Fun gift cards
And rewarded people who RSVP'd.

Bonnie copying down MadLib words
We played silly games.


A day of worship.


Whimpy lightning
We finally got rain at our house. I tried to capture lightning, but I get so amazed by watching that I forget to snap my shutter quick enough!

Roomies in the rain
It was so beautiful outside, the roomies sat outside on the sidewalk, in the drizzle, to enjoy the weather. We laugh a lot together.

One of my favorite things
One of my all-time most favorite things is the feeling of rain on my face. I hadn't laid out in the rain since Switzerland.


Now tired out from an evening of refreshing wetness (and communal Calvin & Hobbes reading), three of us retire to the living room. Bonnie naps on the couch. Liz reads and journals. I plan menus and edit photos. We all listen to my "Winter Solstice" mix. Even though it's not winter, it has some of the most cozy, comforting music. It is a welcome relief from my persistent ennui.

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