
2 Camels, ≤ 8 Cows, 14 Goats

I'm house-sitting right now (the house of "saber-tooth tiger pancake" fame). While having the walk through before they all left, Michelle was very careful to make sure that I had spares of everything–she apparently knows me all to well! Unfortunately, while rushing out the door for an emergency print job, as I shut the locked door, I realized I had left my keys and all the spares inside. (As a point of defense, I normally keep my keys in my bag for such a time as this, and this was the first time I'd left them up on the key rack by the door.) Alas, this did not occur to me until I heard the door click and looked at my empty hands to finish the locking up ritual. Mortification flooded my mind as I realized what I had done. I sheepishly called Gary & Michelle to alert them to my self-inflicted predicament. The solutions recommended involved breaking into the upper story and calling various people to see if they had a ladder I could borrow to do so. In the midst of phone calls, it occurred to me to try the old "credit-card-in-the-doorway" trick. And what do you know? It doesn't work only in the movies! Resipiscent, I retrieved my keys and locked up. As I walked to my car, however, I realized my apparel was mocking me. Tonight's t-shirt had big bold letters reading: "THINK".

Oh well. I think I might've lost a few cows in the dowry by locking myself out...but also inadvertently regained them by breaking back into the house.


Stephanie said...

It's not just you. Today at TJ's I was behind this woman who panicked halfway thru checking out 'cuz she couldn't find her keys. Turns out she didn't put them in her purse, she clipped them to her skirt. Then, right before I went to check out, I realized that I didn't pick up any coffee - which was the main thing I was there for. So it's been that kind of day for everyone, I think.

Luz said...


– Peter the Kitten thinks he can type on the computer, too

Anonymous said...

lol.:-D Yeah, I think you regained your cows...