
a note to Bethany

a note to Bethany

these were pointed out to me on a Goodwill trip by my dear friend, Bethany. she is one of my oldest and dearest friends. in addition to being known for her fashionable taste in shoes, she is one of the women i aspire to be like. passionate and intelligent. wholly pursues Truth and beauty. humble and wise. cares deeply about people and ideas. curious and wonder-filled. talking with Bethany always leaves me feeling more in love with world, and emboldened to change it.

this last month, i've had the privilege of sharing geographical proximity with her and her young family. and today they're moving to SoCal to begin the next chapter of life. so I wear these shoes today as a tribute to the gratitude i have for her and her special friendship.


Heather@Cultivated Lives said...

ya, what you said...

Jacob said...

Unrelated and random question:

Why do girls turn their toes in when taking pictures of their feet or shoes? It looks painful...

Melissa L. said...

Jacob--almost everything about women's shoes is painful.

Sweet post... bye Bethany! Enjoy that gorgeous weather!

Stephanie said...

Very cute shoes, Luz! And, yeah, I think Bethany has fashionable taste in everything.

Jacob: It's because their feet are camera shy.

Luz said...

douves: visual interestingness. ;)

Jacob said...

I never thought pain was very visually interesting, but I'll take your word for it....

To the rest of you, thanks as well for your insightful explanations. I feel much more enlightened.